last batch of 2024 cohort training
- Registration for Self-paced Online Lifestyle Medicine Competency Course - August to November 30, 2024
- Application for Virtual Preceptorship - November 15-December 15, 2024
Lifestyle medicine is the evidence-based therapeutic approach to prevent, treat and reverse lifestyle-related diseases using comprehensive lifestyle intervention including nutrition, physical activity, stress management, sleep health, social relationship, and avoidance of risky substances. Lifestyle interventions address underlying disease risks, improve clinical outcomes and decrease disease burden.
The Lifestyle Medicine Competency Course is an evidence-based education program designed to provide a foundational knowledge for doctors, allied health professionals, public health enthusiasts, and health coaches who are interested in learning the principles of lifestyle medicine.
This program follows the recommended foundational approach identified in Journal of American Medical Association to preventing and treating the majority of chronic diseases that are caused by unhealthy lifestyle choices. The course is comprised of basic and advanced modules as requisite for certification exam in lifestyle medicine.
The Lifestyle Medicine Competency Course is an evidence-based education program designed to provide a foundational knowledge for doctors, allied health professionals, public health enthusiasts, and health coaches who are interested in learning the principles of lifestyle medicine.
This program follows the recommended foundational approach identified in Journal of American Medical Association to preventing and treating the majority of chronic diseases that are caused by unhealthy lifestyle choices. The course is comprised of basic and advanced modules as requisite for certification exam in lifestyle medicine.
At the conclusion, students will be able to:
At the conclusion, students will be able to:
- Understand the competencies of lifestyle medicine as identified in "Physician Competencies for Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine" (JAMA. 2010;304(2):202-203).
- Integrate the competencies into clinical and professional practice
- Increase efficiency in the delivery of lifestyle medicine intervention, assessment and evidence-based lifestyle prescriptions
- Have the ability to practice as an interdisciplinary team of health care professionals and support team-based resources for sustainable lifestyle change
BASIC CURRICULUM (Self-paced Online Course)
- Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine
- The Role of the Practitioner’s Personal Health and Community Advocacy
- Nutrition Science, Assessment, and Prescription
- Physical Activity Science, Assessment, and Prescription
- Sleep Health Science and Interventions
- Treating Tobacco Use Disorder and Managing Other Toxic Exposures (Including Vaping, Alcohol Use, and Other Illicit Substances)
- Key Clinical Processes in Lifestyle Medicine
- Emotional and Mental Health Assessment and Interventions
- The Role of Connectedness and Positive Psychology
The Lifestyle Medicine Competency Course covers content that are critically needed in clinical practice of medicine, public health, and coaching.
ADVANCED CURRICULUM (Preceptorship & Immersion)
Virtual sessions scheduled on Sundays (6:00-9:00pm)
Virtual sessions scheduled on Sundays (6:00-9:00pm)
- Lifestyle Medicine Competencies
- Introduction to Intensive Therapeutic Lifestyle Change
- Lifestyle Medicine practice tools
- Shared Medical Appointment and Group visits
- Community-Engaged Lifestyle Medicine Advocacy
- Individual patient encounter
- Evidence-based Medicine
- Quality assurance in lifestyle medicine practice
- Lifestyle Medicine case study and research writing
Full Course Registration (P20,000.00)
Note: We highly encourage bank transactions to avoid online charges. Please see the PCLM bank details below. The course is non-transferable and non-refundable. Thank you.
Note: We highly encourage bank transactions to avoid online charges. Please see the PCLM bank details below. The course is non-transferable and non-refundable. Thank you.
Modular Registration (3 Installment course payment option)
Disclaimer: The Lifestyle Medicine Solutions (LMS) and the Remnant Institute Inc. has been facilitating the PCLM's online payment portal since 2020 due to the unresolved documentary issue of the Philippine Organization of Lifestyle Medicine (POLM). We highly recommend that you use direct bank transaction to avoid the 3rd party charges from PayPal.
Direct Bank Transfer/Deposit
Bank Name: EastWest Bank (Eastwest Banking Corporation)
Account Name: PCLM
Account No.: 200021332568
Account type: Current/Checking account
Account Name: PCLM
Account No.: 200021332568
Account type: Current/Checking account
Submit your Registration Here
Click the submission button below and complete your registration by filling out STEP 1 (FOR PHYSICIANS)
Refund policy: Successful registration is transferrable but not refundable. Kindly make sure that you are decided to pursue the training before you register.